onthecase are the exclusive UK distributors for a wide range of high quality external poster cases & notice boards
our products
notice boards
poster cases
solar illuminated cases
digital signage
about us
For over 20 years onthecase have specialised in the supply of providing high quality notice boards and poster cases in the UK.
During this time the company has built a reputation of providing outstanding customer service and have created a niche market of providing customised bespoke solutions for both end users and specifiers alike.
Customers include the likes of Buckingham Palace, The Royal Parks, National Theatre, National Gallery, Musem of London, and The Natural History Museum.
The company provide a complete turn key operation from design, manufacture to installation.
Onthecase offer 4 different product types each offering their own unique design, features and models.
what do these landmark London locations have in common?
.. St Pauls Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, The Royal Parks, Tate Modern, Natural History Museum, London Eye and National Gallery. They all have chosen to use onthecase poster cases and notice boards.
Did you know we can create bespoke solutions?
Take a look at the drawing shown below for a recent project we have been working on.

get in touch
We would be delighted to hear from you. View our contact page and fill in our form.
Alternatively you can telephone us on 01392 247577 or contact us via email at sales@onthecasegb.com
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